All You Need is Beatles!
All Together Now


The Beatles R.S. Covers
Are You A Lennon Fan?
Driving USA
I Can't Hide
I Read the News Today, Oh Boy
I Read the News Today, Oh Boy II
I'm Looking Through You...You're Not The Same
How You Can Win My Award
Cool Things in the World
Introducing...The Chartreuse Snow Turtlez!
I Love Lennon Hats!
Yoko Speaks Out
All I've Got to Do
Act Naturally
How I Won the Award
How Can You Laugh?
Double Fantasy
Other Groovy Websites
The Beatles Have Landed
Beautiful Boys
Are You a Hippie?
Chatter On Son, Chatter On
Was it Just a Dream?
I Me Mine
The White Album
Here Comes a Cloud
Remember Love
Katie's Poems
All Together Now
Wish Upon A Star
A Picture Worth Looking At
A Hard Day's Night
More of AHDN
All You Need is Music

Here's my page of pics and quotes of our own hotties...THE BEATLES!









My Hottie's Thoughts on Being Famous

Ringo: The other thing that happens when you become famous is that people start to think you know something. They all want to know what you think about this and that, and I would blah on--as a 22/23 year old--as if suddenly I knew. I could talk about anything. I knew exactly how the country should be run, and why and how this should happen; suddenly I was a blaher. 'Yeah Mr. Blah here, what do you want to know? It was so crazy. I remember endless discussions that went on for days, actually, discussing the world, discussing music. Suddenly people give you all this credit! But we weren't any different; we'd just had a couple of Number Ones and millions loved us. I had no schooling before I joined The Beatles and no schooling after The Beatles. Life is a great education.

Paul: We're constantly being asked all sorts of very profound questions. But we're not very profound people. People say, 'What do you think of the H-bomb, of religion, of fan worship?' But we didn't really start thinking about these things until people asked us. And even then we didn't get much time to consider them. What do I think of the H-bomb? Well, here's an answer with the full weight of five O levels and one A level behind it: I don't agree with it.

George: 'Let's get our kicks today, for tomorrow we die, man'--that's rot!
Some people are like that, thick people blowing up the world. I'm interested in what will happen.

John: When I left Liverpool with the group, a lot of Liverpool people dropped us and said, 'Now you've let us down.' It was the same in England. When we left England to go to America we lost a lot of fans. They begin to feel as though they own you, and the people in Liverpool did, and did until we decided to leave. A lot of people dropped us but, of course, we got a whole pile more, a different audience.


Press Conferences

Do you think it's wrong to set such a bad example to teenagers, smoking the way you do?

Ringo: It's better than being alcoholics.

What do you think of the criticism that you are not very good?

George: We're not.

What do you believe is the reason you are the most popular singing group today?

John: We've no idea. If we did, we'd get four longhaired boys, put them together and become their managers.

Why do you think you get more fan mail than anyone else in the group?

Ringo: I dunno. I suppose it's because more people write me.

Do you date much?

Ringo: What are you doing tonight?

Do you fight amongst yourselves?

John: Only in the mornings.

What do you miss most now that your fame prohibits your freedom?

Ringo: Going to the movies.
George: Having nothing to do.
John: School, because you don't have much to do there.
Paul: Going on buses.

What impresses you most about America?

John: Bread.
Paul: Going on buses.

Beatle movies
Can we look forward to any more Beatle movies?

John Lennon: Well, there'll be many more but I don't know whether you can look forward to them or not.

When are you starting your next movie?

Paul: In February.
George: We have no title for it yet.
Ringo: We have no story for it yet.
John: We have no actors for it yet.

Are you going to have a leading lady in the film you are about to make?

Paul: We're trying to get the Queen. She sells in England, you know.

The meaning of A Hard Day's Night:
Roughly it means it's been a helluva day and it's going to be a helluva night.

Beatle movies
Can we look forward to any more Beatle movies?

John Lennon: Well, there'll be many more but I don't know whether you can look forward to them or not.

When are you starting your next movie?

Paul: In February.
George: We have no title for it yet.
Ringo: We have no story for it yet.
John: We have no actors for it yet.

Are you going to have a leading lady in the film you are about to make?

Paul: We're trying to get the Queen. She sells in England, you know.

The meaning of A Hard Day's Night:
Roughly it means it's been a helluva day and it's going to be a helluva night.

Do you ever think of getting a haircut?

George: No, luv, do you?

Where did you think up the hairdos?

Paul: We got them from a German photographer who wore his hair this way.

George: It was while we were in Germany. I went in swimming and when I came out I didn't have a comb. So my hair just dried. The others liked it the way it looked and there we were.

John: We've told so many lies about it we've forgotten.

Do you wear wigs?

John: If we do they must be the only ones with real dandruff.

How do you feel about teenagers imitating you with Beatle wigs?

John: They're not imitating us because we don't wear Beatle wigs.

