All You Need is Beatles!
Are You a Hippie?


Take the hippie quiz and discover your hippie quotient. Your hip Q?

For each inch your hair reaches past your shoulders- give yourself 2 pts.

If you are male, multiply that score by 2.

For males- if you have gotten flack for having long hair- add 2 pts.

Females- if you have gotten flack for wearing no makeup- add 2 pts

If you are over the age of 40 and still have not cut your hair- add 10 pts.

If you have a brownie recipe that includes ingredients you can not get at the local A&P- add 5 pts.

Add 2 points if your dwelling is decorated with any of the following: beads hanging from the door, a lava lamp, Fillmore posters.

If you have a bean bag chair or an inflatable chair in your "groovy pad"- add 2 pts.

If the chair is the only piece of furniture you have- add 5 pts.

If your dwelling has all of the above- add 10 pts.

If your home is decorated with homemade art- add 10 pts.

If you do pottery- add 2 pts.

If you know how to do macram- add 2 pts.

If you know how to do the macarena- subtract 2 pts.

If you were at Woodstock- add 10 pts.

If you think you may have been at Woodstock, but aren't entirely sure- add 15 pts.

Who is your favorite Beatle?

If it is John- add 4 points

George-add 3 points

Ringo- add 2 points

Paul- add 1 point

None, the Beatles were over rated- subtract 5 points

If you have fire drills to practice getting all your Grateful Dead tapes out of the house- add 10 pts

Add 2 pts for each state line you've crossed on your longest road trip to see a 60s era musical artist or band in concert

If you have traveled to another country to see such a band or artist- add 10 pts

If you were affected personally by Jerry Garcia's death- add 5 pts.

If you know what bag you're in- add 2 pts

If you own an incense burner- add 2 pts.

If you own, or have owned a VW bus- add 5pts.

Add an additional 5pts. if the bus is painted multiple colors

If you play the sitar- add 2 pts.

If you have written a song protesting war, bucking the establishment, or containing a reference to illegal drugs- add 5 pts

If you have written songs about all three- add 10 pts.

If you were actually alive in the 1960s- add 3 pts

If you really, really wish you had been alive in the 1960s- add 1 pt

If you believe that "All You Need is Love"- add 5 pts.

Subtract 10 pts if you add the phrase "and a good medical plan"

If the word "trip" does not make you think of a vacation- add 2 pts.

If the word "man," peppers your conversations- add 2 pts.

If you've used the word "groovy" or the phrase "Can you dig it?" with a straight face- add 5 pts.

If you have used both in the same sentence- add another 5 pts

If you've taken part in a peace march-add 2 pts

If you've started a petition- add 2 pts

If you've taken part in a sit-in- add 2 pts

If you have done all three- add 5 pts

If you've ever received junk mail addressed to "dear radical"- add 5 pts

If you think "social action" is a frat party on a saturday night- subtract 10 pts

If your children have names like Windsong, Freedom or Peace Love Understanding Smith- add 10 pts

If you wish your parents hand named you Peace Love Understanding Smith- add 5 pts

If you say "thank you" when someone calls you a hippy- add 2 pts.

If you say "Groovy man, like, you think I'm a hippy? Far out, can you dig that?" - add 10 pts.

If you wear Birkenstocks- add 2 pts

If you make your own sandals- add 10 pts

If you have a bumper sticker reading "save the whales", "think green" or has dancing bears on it- add 2 pts

If such bumper stickers are holding your car together- add 5 pts

If you're a vegetarian- add 5 pts

If the only reason you call yourself a "vegetarian" is that you stopped eating Big Macs- subtract 10 pts

If you smell like patchouli- add 2 pts

If you have sold any hand-made item in the parking lot of a concert- add 2 pts

If you think money is the root of all evil- add 2 pts

If you add the phrase "and may the devil smite me with it" -subtract 5 pts

If you think Jim Morrison's poetry is profound- add 2 pts

If you think John Lennon's drawings are art- add 2 pts

If you like Bob Dylan's singing voice- add 5 pts

If you've never heard of Jim Morrison, John Lennon or Bob Dylan- subtract 10 pts

If you have a necklace with either wooden beads, seeds, a peace or yin yang symbol- add 2 pts

If you have all of the above- add 5 pts

If you used to have all of the above but you gave them away or traded them for concert tickets- add 15 pts

If your computer screen name or password is related to a 60s musical performer- add 2 pts

If the only cds or records in your collection that were recorded after 1980 were recorded by artists who were most famous in the 60s or 70s- add 5 pts

If you've been to San Francisco- add 1 pt

If you wore flowers in your hair- add 2 pts

If you've lived in a commune- add 10pts

If you quit the commune because you were tired of being the one to do all the work- subtract 5 pts

If you own a tie dyed article of clothing- add 2 pts

If you did not dye it yourself- subtract 1 pt

If you own any clothing items made of hemp- add 2 pts.

If you have practiced Transcendental Meditation, have seriously studied Eastern religion, or been a Jesus freak- add 5 pts

If you have done all of the above- add 5 pts

If you have had a chemically induced spiritual experience- add 5 pts

Add 2 pts for every day you've gone without bathing this week.

If you voted for Ronald Reagan- subtract 200 pts

If you got this far and realized you haven't been keeping score- add 1 pt.



Cliques, Clubs, and More! | The Life and Times of John Lennon | Guys We Think are Sexy | Fan Fiction | Introducing...The Chartreuse Snow Turtlez! | You Know My Name | Things We Said Today | Friends | Identity Crisis | We Take A Walk | Baby you can link my site! | A Bunch of Quiz Banners | On the Cover of the *Rolling Stone* | Are You A Lennon Fan? | Driving USA | I Can't Hide | I Read the News Today, Oh Boy | I Read the News Today, Oh Boy II | Help! | How You Can Win My Award | Cool Things in the World | I AM THE PEACE | Beatlemania! | Yoko Speaks Out | Act Naturally | How I Won the Award | How Can You Laugh? | Adopt-a-Beatle! | For Lack of A Better Title: LINKS | The Beatles Have Landed | Beautiful Boys | Are You a Hippie? | Chatter On Son, Chatter On | I Me Mine | The White Album | Here Comes a Cloud | Remember Love | Words Are Flowing Out | A Hard Day's Night | More of AHDN | All I've Got to Do (Updates)


Anything under 10- You are the establishment
11-79- You've got some hippie in you, hang out a while
80-100- Yes, my friend, you're a hippie. Isn't it far out?

100 and above- Wow man, now I don't want to put any labels on you, but you're absolutely a hippie.

Your psychedelic website creator scored a 134 on this quiz and she wants to know what you got! Sign the guestbook telling your score and there will be a special page added to the site for the winner!

Lava Lamp


Wire Rim Glasses